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CQ WW RTTY Contest

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K5ZDSO HP ALLThe first day was great. The second was less so. Conditions were down. I blew up an amplifier. Activity seemed to drop as we neared the end of the contest. The solar storm didn't help either. Still, great way to spend a rainy weekend!
K6FASO LP ALLWell I had fun. Did work a few new states that I need for my 5BWAS-RTTY. That was my main goal. Did better then I thought I would. Hope they LoTW. Even did pretty good on working DX
K6JOSA LP 10MOperator age 23
K8LFSA HP ALLMissed most of Saturday for the yearly PVRC meet up at the NR4M contest station. Also had a pretty bad storm down the east coast so my antenna was lowered. Saturday evening and Sunday brought many contacts into the log
KB4QZHSA HP ALLAnother great time in this contest. 2 year using the K4D awesome rig for the job
KC1RETSA LP ALLFirst license 2022. Wow! First, I want to thank Tony, K1KP, for the use of his fantastic station! This is my first experience on a real 'contest station' and it is a true game changer! It was also my first experience with a modern SDR radio and with remote ops. Tony has great documentation so the setup was straight forward. Condx were generally pretty good although 10m on Sunday was a bit of a disappointment. I had a few good runs of 100+ Qs/hour but was pushed out by QRM most everytime. I guess running as LP has special challenges. hihi I focused on getting Qs up through Sun. PM then switched to hunting mults. A few good surprises Guam, Aland Isl., Chatham Isl., AK and HI. This was my first contest on 80m. I prob. should have spent more time there but didn't really think of it much as I don't have an antenna for it on my station. 15m was the money band for me, plenty of stations and lots of mults. The big thing I learned was that I have a lot to learn. I'm sure I could have scored better with more timely band switching, more running vs S&P and giving up sooner on pileups & stations that were not hearing me. On to the next one! Thanks again, Tony!
KC1SASO HP ALL15m was the sweet spot for me although I did make QSOs on all bands
KC3SVRSO HP ALLFirst license 10-2021
KC4LZNSA LP ALLThe band conditions on 10 and 15 were just superb. I did go down to 20 towards the latter part of the contest but wow, 10 and 15 were just doing so well. Always a blast to run this contest. One of these days I hope to sit in the chair longer than what I had. 73 es look forward to the next
KD0EZSSA HP ALLfun time, alot of stations participating
KD2KWSO LP ALLHad to get back into the groove operating RTTY
KD2TBSSO LP ALL+/- one hour op time total
KD3MADSO LP ALLFirst license 09-2020
KD5ILASO LP 10MI did better than last year. I used a Loop Antenna this year. Heard a lot more stations. I had a blast this year. Met a lot of great operators
KD8FSSA HP ALLCheck log. I had to cut it short
KE8RJUSO LP ALLOperator age 17
KF5DDVSO LP ALLGreat contest
KG5XRSA HP ALLOperator age 22. Born in 2001
KG9ZSA LP ALLMake sure everything works
KH6AQSA LP ALLFor me this was a fun and casual contest doing Search and Pounce with the Yaesu FTdx-10 in standalone RTTY mode. Thanks for your QSOs and 73
KI5WLJSO LP 10MOperator age 16
KI6DYSO HP ALLClaimed score for CLASSIC OVERLAY is 1406561
KK6LSO LP ALLI only had two hours for the contest, but I really enjoyed rustling up Q's on 10 and 15 meters this year. I gives me hope for the fall and spring DX contests this year! Thanks, and 73's de Jake, KK6L!
KM9RSO LP ALLFlex 6700 / 80w / 80m end fed 1/2 wave covertly deployedf 3.5 ft off the ground atop a split rail fence due to hoa stasi
KN6TZKSO LP ALLMy goal for this contest was 100 contacts. I learned a lot about ham radio and contesting since I got my General in June 2022. I haven't ever crossed the 100 contact mark. Today I did. It was fun. A new antenna helped too. My BuddiHex. I had a great time. 73 de KN6TZK
KQ4DAPSA LP ALLFirst license 09-2022. Honestly this is a check-log. First time working ANY rtty
KQ4DQSSA LP 10MFirst license 10-2022
KR7DSA HP ALLThank you for the QSOs
KU2MSO LP ALLGreat conditions and a great contest!
KY4UHSA LP ALLFirst license 01-2023. First licensed 2023-01-10
LA5FJASA QRP 20MElecraft KX3
LA9VBASA HP 20MLooking for 2 DX call VK9LAA and ZL7IO
LC6CSA HP ALLOK conditions on Saturday, whilst Sunday was moderate on this latitude. 10 m did not produce much at all, whilst post-contest reports from further south says it was good there. The amplifier acted up on Saturday afternoon, and reducing the power from 700 W to 70 W for the rest of the contest. Losing 10 dB made a considerable impact, making it difficult to keep a frequency or to make it through a pileup. Nevertheless, I submit a log for High power
LT6MSA HP 10MVery nice contest, thanks to all operators! 73 Seba LU8MHL
LY5GSO QRP 15MYagi antenna TA-63N and Kenwood TS-590 set to 5 5W QRP
LZ1DJZChecklogMy first RTTY QSO,s and RTTY contest ever!
M/VK5GRSO QRP 20M20m 1/2 wave dipole 4m in the air on a KX3 running 5W Portable from North Yorkshire, UK
M0AFZSA LP ALLUsing Yaesu FT920 and RCKRtty software. Antennas - Homebrew Vertical for higher bands, Windom for 40m and 80m. Max 100w 10M open for much of the contest
M0IPUSA HP 10MDXspider: dxs.ddns.net:7300 AR-Cluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373 CC Cluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M0UNISA HP 15MLove this contest. Always enjoyable. 15m band was amazing and everything worked OK
M1GWZSO LP ALLSubmitted as checklog only
M1VSO LP ALLExcellent condx, and some good DX during the contest. Really enjoyable weekend of RTTY contesting
M2JSO LP ALLK3, 22m long Doublet or TB31JR dipole for 20/15/10 Only able to operate late Saturday. HF conditions seemed fair but 40m v poor when I looked?
M5ZSO LP 20MK3, 5m wire on balcony, Win-Test Last RTTY activity was 5 years ago as MJ5Z. Since then I have different laptop now so bit of struggle to set up. I managed to get FSK keying, however, I gave up RX on MMTTY instead I watch K3's decoder screen then manually type callsign into Win-Test.. 73 Kazu M0CFW, M5Z, JK3GAD
M6WSO LP 10MThe solar cycle seems to be picking up!
M7JWDChecklogOperator age 13. Licensced 09/09/23 Born April 2010
M7WLTSA QRP ALLFirst license 07-2022

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