Call | Category | Comments |
K5ZD | SO HP ALL | The first day was great. The second was less so. Conditions were down. I blew up an amplifier. Activity seemed to drop as we neared the end of the contest. The solar storm didn't help either. Still, great way to spend a rainy weekend! |
K6FA | SO LP ALL | Well I had fun. Did work a few new states that I need for my 5BWAS-RTTY. That was my main goal. Did better then I thought I would. Hope they LoTW. Even did pretty good on working DX |
K6JO | SA LP 10M | Operator age 23 |
K8LF | SA HP ALL | Missed most of Saturday for the yearly PVRC meet up at the NR4M contest station. Also had a pretty bad storm down the east coast so my antenna was lowered. Saturday evening and Sunday brought many contacts into the log |
KB4QZH | SA HP ALL | Another great time in this contest. 2 year using the K4D awesome rig for the job |
KC1RET | SA LP ALL | First license 2022. Wow! First, I want to thank Tony, K1KP, for the use of his fantastic station! This is my first experience on a real 'contest station' and it is a true game changer! It was also my first experience with a modern SDR radio and with remote ops. Tony has great documentation so the setup was straight forward. Condx were generally pretty good although 10m on Sunday was a bit of a disappointment. I had a few good runs of 100+ Qs/hour but was pushed out by QRM most everytime. I guess running as LP has special challenges. hihi I focused on getting Qs up through Sun. PM then switched to hunting mults. A few good surprises Guam, Aland Isl., Chatham Isl., AK and HI. This was my first contest on 80m. I prob. should have spent more time there but didn't really think of it much as I don't have an antenna for it on my station. 15m was the money band for me, plenty of stations and lots of mults. The big thing I learned was that I have a lot to learn. I'm sure I could have scored better with more timely band switching, more running vs S&P and giving up sooner on pileups & stations that were not hearing me. On to the next one! Thanks again, Tony! |
KC1SA | SO HP ALL | 15m was the sweet spot for me although I did make QSOs on all bands |
KC3SVR | SO HP ALL | First license 10-2021 |
KC4LZN | SA LP ALL | The band conditions on 10 and 15 were just superb. I did go down to 20 towards the latter part of the contest but wow, 10 and 15 were just doing so well. Always a blast to run this contest. One of these days I hope to sit in the chair longer than what I had. 73 es look forward to the next |
KD0EZS | SA HP ALL | fun time, alot of stations participating |
KD2KW | SO LP ALL | Had to get back into the groove operating RTTY |
KD2TBS | SO LP ALL | +/- one hour op time total |
KD3MAD | SO LP ALL | First license 09-2020 |
KD5ILA | SO LP 10M | I did better than last year. I used a Loop Antenna this year. Heard a lot more stations. I had a blast this year. Met a lot of great operators |
KD8FS | SA HP ALL | Check log. I had to cut it short |
KE8RJU | SO LP ALL | Operator age 17 |
KF5DDV | SO LP ALL | Great contest |
KG5XR | SA HP ALL | Operator age 22. Born in 2001 |
KG9Z | SA LP ALL | Make sure everything works |
KH6AQ | SA LP ALL | For me this was a fun and casual contest doing Search and Pounce with the Yaesu FTdx-10 in standalone RTTY mode. Thanks for your QSOs and 73 |
KI5WLJ | SO LP 10M | Operator age 16 |
KI6DY | SO HP ALL | Claimed score for CLASSIC OVERLAY is 1406561 |
KK6L | SO LP ALL | I only had two hours for the contest, but I really enjoyed rustling up Q's on 10 and 15 meters this year. I gives me hope for the fall and spring DX contests this year! Thanks, and 73's de Jake, KK6L! |
KM9R | SO LP ALL | Flex 6700 / 80w / 80m end fed 1/2 wave covertly deployedf 3.5 ft off the ground atop a split rail fence due to hoa stasi |
KN6TZK | SO LP ALL | My goal for this contest was 100 contacts. I learned a lot about ham radio and contesting since I got my General in June 2022. I haven't ever crossed the 100 contact mark. Today I did. It was fun. A new antenna helped too. My BuddiHex. I had a great time. 73 de KN6TZK |
KQ4DAP | SA LP ALL | First license 09-2022. Honestly this is a check-log. First time working ANY rtty |
KQ4DQS | SA LP 10M | First license 10-2022 |
KR7D | SA HP ALL | Thank you for the QSOs |
KU2M | SO LP ALL | Great conditions and a great contest! |
KY4UH | SA LP ALL | First license 01-2023. First licensed 2023-01-10 |
LA5FJA | SA QRP 20M | Elecraft KX3 |
LA9VBA | SA HP 20M | Looking for 2 DX call VK9LAA and ZL7IO |
LC6C | SA HP ALL | OK conditions on Saturday, whilst Sunday was moderate on this latitude. 10 m did not produce much at all, whilst post-contest reports from further south says it was good there. The amplifier acted up on Saturday afternoon, and reducing the power from 700 W to 70 W for the rest of the contest. Losing 10 dB made a considerable impact, making it difficult to keep a frequency or to make it through a pileup. Nevertheless, I submit a log for High power |
LT6M | SA HP 10M | Very nice contest, thanks to all operators! 73 Seba LU8MHL |
LY5G | SO QRP 15M | Yagi antenna TA-63N and Kenwood TS-590 set to 5 5W QRP |
LZ1DJZ | Checklog | My first RTTY QSO,s and RTTY contest ever! |
M/VK5GR | SO QRP 20M | 20m 1/2 wave dipole 4m in the air on a KX3 running 5W Portable from North Yorkshire, UK |
M0AFZ | SA LP ALL | Using Yaesu FT920 and RCKRtty software. Antennas - Homebrew Vertical for higher bands, Windom for 40m and 80m. Max 100w 10M open for much of the contest |
M0IPU | SA HP 10M | DXspider: AR-Cluster 6: CC Cluster: |
M0UNI | SA HP 15M | Love this contest. Always enjoyable. 15m band was amazing and everything worked OK |
M1GWZ | SO LP ALL | Submitted as checklog only |
M1V | SO LP ALL | Excellent condx, and some good DX during the contest. Really enjoyable weekend of RTTY contesting |
M2J | SO LP ALL | K3, 22m long Doublet or TB31JR dipole for 20/15/10 Only able to operate late Saturday. HF conditions seemed fair but 40m v poor when I looked? |
M5Z | SO LP 20M | K3, 5m wire on balcony, Win-Test Last RTTY activity was 5 years ago as MJ5Z. Since then I have different laptop now so bit of struggle to set up. I managed to get FSK keying, however, I gave up RX on MMTTY instead I watch K3's decoder screen then manually type callsign into Win-Test.. 73 Kazu M0CFW, M5Z, JK3GAD |
M6W | SO LP 10M | The solar cycle seems to be picking up! |
M7JWD | Checklog | Operator age 13. Licensced 09/09/23 Born April 2010 |
M7WLT | SA QRP ALL | First license 07-2022 |