Call | Category | Comments |
2E0LMI | Checklog | Just a checklog for a handful of contacts |
5B4AIF | SA LP 10M | interesting propagation used a 5/8 Vertical and a 3e yagi |
7E3E | MM | 28-29 September 2024, YESS WE ARE ORARI LOKAL KEDIRI, all we ARE THE BEST |
7K1III | SO HP ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
7M3LDC | SO LP ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
7N2UQC | SO LP ALL | I could enjoy the good contest. Tnx for a fine contest again. IC-7600, Dipole-Ant |
7S5S | SO LP ALL | Elecraft K3 100W to KT34XA CL-33 and Inverted Dipoles |
9A2ZI | SA HP ALL | Operator age 22 |
9A5Y | SA HP 10M | Nice condix both days... Big fun ! 73 de Vedran 9A7DX |
9A7RA | SA LP ALL | Operator age 25 |
9M2KDX | SO LP 40M | pasaraya ikhwan di putrajaya, siapakah dia Abuya |
9N7AA | SO HP ALL | At 00:15 GMT Saturday morning heavy rains and floods hit Kathmandu cutting down the power. It only came back Sunday around 14Z |
AB5XM | Checklog | Thanks for sponsoring the contest! Enjoyed it! |
AB7R | SA LP 20M | No external spotting used but did use my own rtty skimmer via SDR |
AB9YC | SA LP ALL | First license 10-2010 |
AC1PK | SA LP ALL | First license 06-2023. First licensed 6/24/2023 |
AC2XC | SO LP ALL | what a time !! 10m finally opened up all went well till the security lights came on next door and wiped out 80m must have been spotted on a DX cluster as i had a late pileup of ALL dx |
AC7JW | SO HP ALL | Great year! 10,15, 20 all open to EU and SA for extended periods, best conditions in a lot of years |
AD4ES | MSH | Might be the first time we had at least 100 QSO's on all bands. 10m was really hot. Super hot. Can't wait for 10m contest!! I hope it stays the same as it was this weekend |
AZ1D | SA LP 10M | Great and learning experience |
BI1NEI | SA LP 15M | Operator age 22 |
BI3XGJ | SO LP ALL | First license 04-2023 |
BI4IUI | SO LP 10M | First license 12-2021 |
BI7KKA | MSL | The Bay Area Youth Station (GBAYS) |
BY1HT | MSL | We just moved to our new shack! Although it is not big enough for two OPs to stand side by side. Setup: Yaesu FT-891 with an ATU, a fishing rod antenna. A total of 10 OPs had devoted their precious time to our 47-hour shifts. TNX for great QSOs! Paper cards welcomed! |
CD6SNT | SO LP 10M | First license 11-2023. 24-11-2023 first licence |
CT3HY | SO LP 20M | So much to learn but I had a lot of fun. Without a doubt, a lot of practice is necessary for better results. The goal is always try to do better. Thank you everyone for the experience and sorry for some mistakes |
DF5EN | SO LP ALL | Experimental N1MM+MMTTY in Linux/WINE Emulator. Just for some casual QSOs. TS-850S AT, 3-el 3-band beam, 80m/40m dipole |
DF8V | SA HP ALL | good conditions many pleasure |
DH0HAN | SO QRP ALL | Thank you for organizing the contest. It was a lot of fun. 73 de Nils DH0HAN! |
DH4BM | SO LP ALL | KX3, 10W, MFJ-926B, EndFed |
DH8TOM | SO QRP 20M | Running just 5W out of my IC-705 and indoor ant. Vy 73 Tom DH8TOM |
DJ1HWE | SO LP 10M | First license 03-2024. 04.03.2023 |
DJ2IA | SO LP ALL | IC-7610 90Watts Dipole Quad |
DJ3EI | SO QRP ALL | Had fun with that venerable mode RTTY from my inner-city QRP station! |
DJ4MX | SA LP ALL | Operator age 22 |
DJ6GI | SA HP ALL | Flex6800M, PGXL, TGXL, logging/skimmer: SDC on MacOS Antennas: 2 El for 40,20,10 GP on 80 |
DJ6OI | SA LP 80M | QRV for some Hours , for more no time ! Will be see next year ! |
DK3GI | Checklog | Sri for an empty log but I would not like to support 'Ends 23:59:59 UTC' when extension to 24:00 UTC is accepted. Seems to be a new time definition - not UTC or an invitation to see other rules also more relaxed, like QRP 5 W plus extension of 99 or LP 100W plus extension of 999 |
DK4CN | SO LP ALL | First license 07-2023. 17.07.2023 |
DK8EY | SA LP ALL | IC-7400, 3-ele-beam |
DL0RDG | SO LP ALL | IC 7400 100W Ant. Dipole and vertical R9 |
DL1KWK | SA HP ALL | K3+KPA500 with 300W, Dipol+Hexbeam |
DL1ZBO | SO LP ALL | RIG: KENWOOD TS-480SAT, 80W Ant.: BUTTERNUT vertical HF9V mounted over ground |
DL2FQ | SA LP ALL | Worked with 2 radios |
DL2PK | SO LP ALL | ICOM IC-7700 Dipol |
DL2ZA | SO LP ALL | TS 850 - 2x 19,5m - Doppelzepp - Huehnerleitung |
DL4JC | SA HP ALL | First license 09-2023 |