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CQ WW RTTY Contest

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Call Category Comments
JQ1PCTSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR0BNFSO LP ALLQSO=100 point= Country= amt=
JR0DZHSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR0GXASO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR1AQISO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR1DUPSO HP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR2ALASO HP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2MINSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR2PAUSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2UBSSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3GPPSO LP 15MThank you for listening to my weak signal !!
JR3NZCSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HP ALLBetter condition. quite enjoy! IC-7600 KPA500
JR4CTFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the FB contest
JR6IKDSO HP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR6IQISO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR6YAASO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR7ANBSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR7IWLSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1OYNSO LP ALLI enjoyed RTTY weekend. See you next year
K0VHSO LP ALL1st time on this 'test, last biggy as my tower/beam are SOLD
K1BZSO HP ALLK Line to 160L /DL
K1SFAMMWhew! Another CQWW RTTY 'test is in the books! What a wild ride it's been the past couple of years. First off, thanks to Dave, K1TTT, for once again hosting Team K1SFA again - we could not do all that we do without Dave (and Pablo the Pooch and Hank the Mooching Pooch). 20 was interesting this year. It opened up super early on Saturday morning (EDT), and by 1400z, it had pretty much died, with most traffic going to 15 (but I did manage to grab a UA0 for a double malt on 20). Of course, it picked up later in the day, which was a relief. And like clockwork, VU, HB and YB called in on 20 around 1600z on Sunday, as did B, all for double mults. We were hoping 10 would be more active - it was 10 years ago that 10 meters absolutely blossomed, and we had more than 1000 QSOs on that band, working Senegal, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe and Asia, and even Japan. Oh well, maybe next year! We had 23 stations work Team K1SFA on all 5 bands -- watch your for a certificate commemorating this awesome feat! We hope to make this an annual tradition. A special shout-out to Steve, KL7SB, for Alaska on 80. Also thanks to Joe, K0NEB, for trying **so hard** to give me Nebraska on 10. Now that I have Alaska on 80, I just need Nebraska on 10 for 5BWAS. Look for Team K1SFA to be back in top form again in 2022. with hopefully even *more* sunspots! TU and 88 -- -- de K1SFA
K2LNSSO LP 20MTo many outdoor projects yet to complete before the weather gets cold. Very little time spent operating
K3AJMSHAll operators were operating remotely
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. In the 9/21 CQ WW RTTY test, Ben N3UM and Mike W5MPB operated Multi-2 HP. Mike does SSB contests, and was an IT pro. He had not done ham RTTY before, but wanted to try it and learn. Mike did learn RTTY, and had fun. And, we claimed a decent score 70% of what N3UM and W3GB got in 2020, though we had no HPA for the Omni VI+ Mike used. At 00Z start N3UM did 40 M and briefly coached W5MPB on 20 M till he made Qs himself. We quit before 03Z with 103 Qs and came back at 1115Z. High bands were wide open to EU N3UM on 20 M and W5MPB on 15 M got lots of 3-pt. Qs and mults. By 15Z we had 244 Qs, 34% of final, but 60% of final Zone + Cty mults. We did 20 and 15 M with offset breaks to eat till 00Z when we had 1/2 our final Qs. N3UM 00-03Z did 40 M, then 60 80-M Qs. W5MPB got mults on 20 M, e.g. ZL in Zn 32 at 0327Z. Sun. we were on 1430- 2358Z, mostly on 15 and 20 M, and got many state and VE Pv mults we had missed going for 3-pt Qs. N3UM got 61 last Qs on 40 and 80 M 22-24Z. W5MPB is now a RTTY op. He got all our 15 M Qs and 26% of total Qs, but 35% of total mults including 4X, LU, JA, and KH6, with 100 W. On all bands we got 96 ctys, 7 VE Pvs, and 41 CONUS states we missed DC, RI, VT, DE, SC, NM, WY, and ND
K3JZDSO LP ALLGood turnout. Good fun
K3KNSO LP ALLOperated contest using 100W and a small mag loop antenna in my attic that covers only 20-10M bands(20 in my attic
K3PPSO LP ALLA lot going on this weekend, but I did manage to squeeze in some time from my log cabin. My trusty old IC-775 and clunky old Butternut vertical I have here in an RF hole don't kill, but it's better than nothing. I originally planned to do Assisted, but I bailed on that idea and went old-school. TU to all!
K3TWSA QRP 15MBand conditions are improving!'
K4IUSA LP ALLWhat a blast! Good conditions for 100 watts and a wire. Conditions were better than 2020 and there were a lot of participants including some new calls!
K4QDSO HP ALLI spent most of the day Saturday in the contest. I decided to enter the Classic class and went old school running when I could and S&P without the internet. I took down all my antennas before leaving with the RV for the summer, so have only installed two wire loops which I will use until the hurricane season is over. Station is IC-7300 with SPE Expert 1K-FA amp
K4WWSO HP ALLFirst relatively serious RTTY contest since having open heart surgery in September 2020. Activity was good, and overall, the efficiency has improved
K4WWPSA LP 20MICOM 756 PRO 80/40 trapped dipole
K4YCRSO HP ALL40-10 K-3, KAT 500, Butternut Vertical, 400 Watts 80 100 Watts
K5ZDSO HP ALLNice to see good conditions return. 15m was great both days
K6FASO LP ALLBest I have done in a contest part time in a long time. Conditions were good here
K6MISA HP ALLCHECK LOG. Due to unfortunate error, a portion of q's were given the wrong zone, should be 3, not 6. My apologies
K7VITSA HP ALLFYI: QSO: 14123 RY 2021-09-25 2324 K7VIT 599 03 OR AA5H 599 05 OK AA5H gave me CQ Zone 5 in OK for his report. Sigs were good and I use 2 decoders--both had CQZ 5. I asked for a repeat, and he wouldn't change it. I logged what I received
K8LFSA HP ALLI have really have grown to love RTTY contesting. I was able to assist several PVRC members of our local chapter to get seup & configured for RTTY. The bands had no shortage of stations but again no 10M contacts. Had several short runs but mostly S&P for my 18 hours of on time. Us little guys get the best S&P on Sunday. The spectrum display with spotting makes S&P a dream to operate with N1MM. You need to find a good cluster on the telnet. I missed a good window on Sunday morning on 40M & 80M multpliers
K9MMSSO LP ALLJust a very part-time effort with low power. K3 + P3 at 50 watts. Logging & TTY via WinTest and MMTTY. Antennas: TH6 at 73 ft and 40-2CD at 63 ft
K9ZOSA HP ALLI have been working for months on building up the station, but had to get on to try to work the four remaining zones for RTTY WAZ. I needed 2, 18, 23, 29. I missed 18 & 23 the first evening while trying to get the Flex to work on RTTY. The second evening I quickly found JT5DX and four stations in zone 18 within 20 minutes. One of the zone 18 stations quickly confirmed via LOTW. I found zone 2 at the end and managed to work him after the contest. Later in the week I had a sked with zone 29. So the contest was a success for me!
KA6BIMSA HP ALLConditions were pretty good and actually improved on Sunday. My most amazing contact was having VU2IBI call me on 20mtrs @ 1652 on Sunday morning, saw his call mixed in among many random characters scrolling past... Great to have 15 open, not just stateside but to EU as well. Please keep in mind that some of us with older equipment do not have great filters. When you park 100 hz away it wipes out our receiving. Thanks for the qso's Dave ka6bim
KB0VSA LP ALLHad a blast as a first-time RTTY contester! Conditions weren't bad, but my ability to work long contests has declined evidently, hard to stay awake at times. :) Wish 10M had opened up just a little bit more here. Mostly S&P, but a little run on 15M once for the thrill. Short-lived with LP... Looking forward to the next one!

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