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CQ WW RTTY Contest

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Call Category Comments
JR2BCFSO HP ALLI did my best this year
JR2EKDSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2MINSO LP 20MCondition was too bad
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2UBSSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3GPPSO LP 10MThank you for listening to my weak signal !!
JR3RIUSO HP 20MThank you for QSO. IC-7600 KPA500
JR4CTFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the FB contest
JR7IWLSA HP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JR7KVA/1SO LP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1OYNSO LP ALLIt's been 10 years since I attended. Conditions were not so good, but I enjoyed it
JW5ESA HP 20MExtremely poor propagation from Svalbard, and my first RTTY contest ever. I could copy stations that never could copy me, and as usual nobody heard me when I tried to call CQ. On 78 degrees northern latitude it's all about being spotted, and even being a fairly rare muliplier, it was very difficult. The few stations I worked was in S/P. It was pretty frustrating, but fun anyway. One dupe was worked because I was unsure wether the first contact was valid or not. As the sunspot numbers improve, we will try again! Tom JW6VDA
K0APSA HP ALLPoor bands
K0GEOSO HP ALLGreat contest despite poor conditions at times. Terrific to see many familiar and some new call signs on the screen! See you next year and 73!
K0MDSO QRP 40MRig: Icom 705 Antenna: 2 element 40 Yagi My new Icom 705 arrived earlier in the week. I wanted to try it on RTTY and the contest provided a limited opportunity. I was running it without connection to n1mm, so I used the internal memories and logged separately. All contesting was search and pounce. Thanks for the qso's
K2GLSSO LP ALLRig: K3/PA Ant: Half wave Dipoles on each band
K3AJMSHRemote multiop
K3ATOSO HP ALLDid not use a computer to send or receive for the contest, used my K3 and my paddle to work the contest. Used the computer only for logging. Lots of fun, thanks for sponsoring the CQWW RTTY contest. 73 Hal, K3ATO
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB operated Multi-2 in the 9/20 CQ WW RTTY test with masks, 6 ft. between chairs, and plexiglas. Our goal was to beat our best CQ RTTY claim, in 9/19. We did that, with 1.8x the Q pts, 1.3X the mults, and 2.3x the score, in 1.3x as many BIC hours. We ran for 60% of total Qs and clicked spots for 40%, getting as many 3-pt Qs and mults as we could. Lots of stations on, but runs were short only 2 100 Qs, one each. With SFI=73, 20 and 15 M were fair to good. But with A index = 24 & 27 and Kp always 2 or more, usually 3 to 5, 40 and 80 M were often poor weak sigs and QSB. At start, N3UM was on 40 M, W3GB on 20 M for 1.7 hrs and then on 80 M. Rates were modest, a combined 58 Qs/hr 00-04Z. We did better with mults by 04Z we had 141 of our final 368 total mults, 38%. W3GB did the late shift 04-0720Z for 50 more Qs on 80 M. N3UM quit to sleep and rise early for EU on 20 M. Slow rate, 99 Qs in 3.4 hrs 1220-1547Z, but 52 mults. W3GB got 21 Qs and 19 mults on 15 M 14-16Z. Sat. 16-24Z was slow 210 Qs total, 80 of them by W3GB on 40 M, 130 by both ops on 20 M. From 00-04Z Sun. N3UM got 78 Qs, 58 on 80 M. W3GB got 66 more Qs on 40 M ~01-04Z, then quit to sleep. N3UM stayed 04-0530Z, but got just 18 more Qs on 80 M with Kp=5. W3GB got good EU run rate on 20 M 1140-1600Z, 189 Qs, 170 of them 3-pointers. Very slow 16-24Z, 135 Qs in 8 hr. Just 49 Qs and 9 mults in the last 3 hrs no surge. Our average rate for the whole test, 30 Qs/hr. We got 8 VE Pvs and 45 states, all but ND, VT, and MT. On all bands 87 countries including KH6, HZ, and UA, but no JA, VK, UA9, or ZL
K3IESA HP ALLDiddling is fun
K3MDSA HP ALLCasual effort. K index 4
K3TWSA QRP 80MIt's a challenge to operate QRP (5 watts output) RTTY on 80m!'
K4QDSA HP ALLIn recent years I have participated mostly on multi-op teams. This is the first serious single op entry recently. Station IC-7300 with AL-80B and wire antennas. I miss my big tower and beam in this deed restricted area
K4SRQSO QRP ALL5 Watts 4btv vertical!
K4TOJSO LP ALLUsed a TS-590S with Carolina Windom Compact 80 at about 10 M. Actual RTTY!! Haven???t heard this mode on the bands in a long time. Had trouble hearing and getting through in the beginning - haven???t done RTTY in a while so took time to get back in the hang of things. Wish it was longer???¼.like a week long. How cool would THAT be? Thanks to those who put this contest on!
K5RZAM2Thanks for the QSO's!
K5ZDSO HP ALLConditions not the best. Did not work a JA. Only worked a few Russians. Only 3 EU on 15m. Back pain impacted my sleep and ability to do long stints in the chair
K6KMSA HP ALLFirst time licensed 5/2/2018 as AJ6CY, changed to K6KM on 12/17/2019
K7BVSA LP 15MFirst time doing a LP effort but a failed amp help make that decision. !% meters at this point in sunspot cycle can be a grind but the old backscatter tricks still work !
K7STOSA HP ALLMy first entry in this contest learning a lot
K7XCSA LP ALLDidn't feel well week before the contest so the refurbished 40 yr old Frizel Beam FB33 tribander wasn't installed in time for the start. Managed to overcome my back pain to mount the antenna on a T2X atop my AB-577 Heavy Duty Mil Surplus Portable at its initial height of 10ft. Initial testing showed it to be performing well so I raised it to 13ft and locked it down. The new to me T2X worked perfectly so with the antenna at a height of 13 ft, I began making 100W contacts in the CQ WW DX RTTY contest Saturday afternoon. It was amazing who I could work barefoot with the tribander so low to the ground. Sunday Morning my Lady Rose helped me raise it to 23 ft tall which we locked it down as we both were plenty sore by this point. With 50 minutes left in the contest I went back to 20M and managed to run a few JA's with a single BG4 showing up to brighten the weekend. 15M was a surprise Saturday with many Caribbean/SA stations in the log, incl VK, ZL, & KH6. 15M wasn't as good Sunday. Never heard a peep on 10M but was busy either working on the antenna or sleeping. When you turn 61 things once simple and quick take forever to accomplish. Still I am happy to be QRV again and soon will have the mast/rotor up to 48ft again and then hang the 40/80m inv vee and 160M inv L back up again. have a 3 ele 15m yagi at 22 ft to remove and put up a 17/12m dual band dipole in its place. so all in all I am quite happy with my small score using only 90W a low antenna while testing. I love this contest and sad I missed the core of it but I am learning to lower my expectations as I grow older. 73s from Northern NV de Tim - K7XC - DM09jh... sk. Adapt, Overcome, Succeed!
K8LFSO LP 40MGot back from out of town Saturday at 5 PM. So not bad considering just shy of 300 QSOs. Decided to go 40M only since 40M are best antennas. Two 40M delta loops. I think the bands were not good
K8VTSO HP 20M300 watts
K9DEBSO LP ALLEquipment problems prevented operating. Submitting log so others don't get penalized
K9IGMSLM/S with my 10 yo daughter - a new General - Gwen really thought RTTY was fun - mastered N1MM in no time. A fun experience for us both with what time we had to be on
K9ZOSO LP ALLNew computer and fresh load of software worked perfectly! Highest QSO total I've
KA2ENESA LP ALLIcom IC-7300 @ 100 Watts Various Wire Antennas N1MM+ Software
KA6BIMSA HP ALLCondition to EU were very difficult this time. Thank you to the stations who pulled me out! Asia & Pacific were very good compared to Europe. On 15 I found a few South American stations on Sunday, but also tough to work. Thanks for the qso's Dave ka6bim
KB2MMISO LP ALLFirst time on RTTY and first RTTY contest - had a great time! Working Hawaii from NJ was great!
KB4QZHSA HP 40MAlways fun contest. Halfway through I had an Alpha Delta switch go bad. Bypassed the bad switch and was back in business
KB7BTOSO HP ALLFirst RTTY contest for me, actually my first time doing RTTY at all. Kinda fun to hand-scroll up & down the band and dial in the deedles, although my ears are happy it's over. Thanks to everyone who worked me, and sorry for my sending mistakes
KC2WUFSA QRP ALL40m/20m ladder-line dipole for 40m/20m/15m 100 foot longwire for 80m
KC8IMBSO LP ALLProp. wasn't best but had a great casual time

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