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CQ WW RTTY Contest

Soapbox Comments

Select year.
Looks for any match.
Looks for any match.


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Call Category Comments
J35XSO LP 15MThis year had a bunch of guys who (a) gave their report once and then disappeared assuming that I copied their report but in fact did not and was unable to get a repeat from them after asking for one. (b) gave only 599 or gave a wrong contest exchange. Asking for a repeat or 'AGN' did not help. (c) kept calling over the station who I called and was awaiting a report from them and just could not get it because of the QRM they were causing and never completed the QSO. All those actions mentioned resulted in many calls being not in my log and them thinking they are. I do not mind the QRM and hustling , stealing CQ frequencies, etc, that goes on during a contest, but when i call a guy and give him a report, i expect the courtesy of other stations standing by so I can complete the QSO and move on to the other station and not have others calling in at that time. You would expect the same courtesy if it was you I had called
JA0BZYSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1DBGSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA1DKUSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1EMQSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1EQOSO LP ALLThis was my first RTTY contest. I've enjoyed. TNX
JA1GFDSA LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1IESO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1PVXSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA1RYCSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA1UIISA LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA2AXBSO HP ALLThanks for the contests
JA2HYDSA HP ALLTnx FB Contest !!
JA3BXFSO HP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JA3GZE/1SO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA3HBFSO HP ALLRIG: IC-7600 + IC-PW1 (500W) ANT: DP, 3ELE Tribander
JA3JNDSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA3RAZSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA3VOVSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA4EZPSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4OPWSO HP 15MThank you for picking up my weak signal. Thank you
JA4RMXSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4XHF/3SA QRP ALLEnjoyed. Thanks for picking-up my QRP signal
JA5OXVSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JA6BCVSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA6FFOSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA6LJNSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA7LLLSO HP 20MFun to have QSOs, though less than last year. Thanks
JA8AZNChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JA8DNVSO HP ALLPut your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
JA8IDSSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA8RATSO LP 15MIt was the first contest in 15 years. It was a lot of fun
JA8TGDSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest. FTdx5000 Ant 4elyagi
JA9LXSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1GZBSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JE2CPISA LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE3RMQSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE5HTNSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6PJPSA LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6QQNSA HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6TUPSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF1LMBSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1OVASO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JF1TEUSO LP 20MIt was worse than my own score last year. It may be that the 20m radio wave propagation was bad
JF1UOWChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JF2CTSSO HP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF2FIUSO HP 15MThank you all stations!
JF3DCHSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3NDWSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest

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