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CQ WW RTTY Contest

Plaques & Sponsors 2016

Single-Op DXpedition Award, I2UIY Memorial

Paolo I2UIY DXpedition Niger 2002

This plaque is sponsored annually by CQ WW Advisory Committee for the CQWW RTTY Contest in memory of Paolo Cortese, I2UIY. The recipient will be chosen by the CQ RTTY Contest Committee from among all single-operator entries from DXpeditions in that year's contest. Final score is only one aspect considered in determining the recipient. Difficulty of the endeavor, rarity of location, contribution to the local environment, etc. are all factors that are important in determining the winner. Paolo himself made many contest DXpeditions, setting records and regaling his hosts with his jovial, effervescent personality.

Single Operator - All Bands

Plaque Sponsor
WORLD John Orton, W5JBO
WORLD Low Power Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado (GMCC)
WORLD QRP Kevin der Kinderen, K4VD
NORTH AMERICA Dick Wilson, K6LRN & Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD
NORTH AMERICA Low Power Joseph Young, W6RLL
USA Kevin Rowett, K6TD
USA Low Power Kevin Rowett, K6TD
USA - 7th Call Area Hank Lonberg, KR7X
EUROPE Bjorn Bergheim, LB1GB
OCEANIA available for sponsorship
SOUTH AMERICA available for sponsorship
SOUTHERN CONE (CE-CX-LU) Low Power LU Contest Group (LU1FM)
ASIA available for sponsorship

Single-Operator - Single Band

Plaque Sponsor
28 MHz WORLD available for sponsorship
21 MHz WORLD Steve "Sid" Caesar, NH7C
21 MHz NORTH AMERICA Orleans County ARC
14 MHz WORLD Kenneth Young, AB4GG
14 MHz NORTH AMERICA Patrick W. Soileau, ND5C
14 MHz EUROPE Bob Raymond, WA1Z
7 MHz WORLD John Webster, NN1SS
7 MHz WORLD Low Power John Webster, NN1SS
3.5 MHz WORLD available for sponsorship

Single-Operator Assisted - All Bands

Plaque Sponsor
WORLD Mike Sims, K4GMH
WORLD Low Power Jim Barron, WB5AAA
NORTH AMERICA Low Power Wray Dudley, AB4SF
EUROPE available for sponsorship
South America available for sponsorship
ASIA Lakshman "Lucky" Bijanki, VU2LBW

Single-Operator Assisted - Single Band

Plaque Sponsor
7 MHz WORLD QRP Central Texas DX and Contest Club (CTDXCC)


Plaque Sponsor
Multi-Single WORLD PL259 Contest Club
Multi-Single WORLD Low Power North Coast Contesters (NC8C)
Multi-Single EUROPE EA Contest Club
Multi-Single EUROPE Low Power Jamie Tolbert, WW3S
Multi-Single USA Jack Satterthwaite, K3KG
Multi-Single NORTH AMERICA Steve Jarrett, K4FJ
Multi-Single NORTH AMERICA Low Power John Miller, K6MM
Multi-Single ASIA Low Power Sergey Lisovoy, W5GDX
Multi-Two WORLD Ed Muns, W0YK
Multi-Two NORTH AMERICA available for sponsorship
Multi-Two USA available for sponsorship
Multi-Two EUROPE CT3 Madeira Contest Team/CR3A/CQ9K
Multi-Unlimited WORLD Mike Trowbridge, KA4RRU
Multi-Unlimited NORTH AMERICA Kevin Rowett, K6TD
Multi-Unlimited EUROPE available for sponsorship

Club Competition

Plaque Sponsor
WORLD Potomac Valley Radio Club
NORTH AMERICA Northern California Contest Club

Plaque sponsorship confirmed.
Plaque sponsorship confirmed with payment.

If you would like to sponsor a plaque, please contact Ed Muns, W0YK. Cost is $65. Prior year sponsors have first-right-of-refusal for the plaque they previously sponsored.

Archive of Award Sponsors

View the list of previous plaque sponsors.

Page updated: 28 August 2016


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